Thursday, August 20, 2015


Am I the only person that feels like a lol (laugh out loud) response to a text is really translated as I don't care or yes I looked, but wasn't impressed. Is it really a blow off text? Is it an I want to respond at least, but I could have lived without reading or seeing that? 

Now a LMAO (laughing my ass off) I think gets a giggle and a Rotflmfao (rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off) was truly a belly laugh out loud moment. 

Personally I would much rather text than talk on the phone. I try not to do a lol response, but sometimes I am busy and yes I do reply with it. 

So my question to you this morning is how do you feel about lol? I believe it is over used and sometimes not even the correct response. 

Have a great day and as my niece Aubree (whom is four) would say, "Peace Out Bitches!" 


  1. I believe that 100%. If I get an LOL back I assume the person is not interested in whatever it was I said. However, I much prefer to talk on the phone for anything other than a short exchange. My humor and brain are often times misinterpreted and I can get my self in trouble over text.

  2. Wow.... I just wrote a whole reply and it didn't post... so I will give the short answer.... for me LOL means you don't want to interact with the person texting... either you're busy or just not interested.... it's the easy way out

  3. I TOTALLY disagree! But I probably use it to much lol seriously I lol'd there! I feel I'm usually lolling about the stupid shit I day :)

  4. I TOTALLY disagree! But I probably use it to much lol seriously I lol'd there! I feel I'm usually lolling about the stupid shit I day :)

  5. I TOTALLY disagree! But I probably use it to much lol seriously I lol'd there! I feel I'm usually lolling about the stupid shit I day :)

    1. I love your honesty and your sense of humor. I do believe when you hit lol you are truly lol.

  6. My bff Lol's me sometimes. She better never do it again!

  7. My bff Lol's me sometimes. She better never do it again!

  8. My bff Lol's me sometimes. She better never do it again!

  9. I totally use Lol too much... but almost never alone so I guess im ok. Lol but yes that and K are total blow off replies! Lol <<< geezus point Proven... too much LOLing going on over here!

  10. I totally use Lol too much... but almost never alone so I guess im ok. Lol but yes that and K are total blow off replies! Lol <<< geezus point Proven... too much LOLing going on over here!

  11. I totally use Lol too much... but almost never alone so I guess im ok. Lol but yes that and K are total blow off replies! Lol <<< geezus point Proven... too much LOLing going on over here!
